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Group Lesson

Our after School program will be 1 hr, for more detail please visit schedule site.

Our after school program is for student who is from 5 years old to 12 years old. Class will divide by 3 sessions.

First  40 minutes  will be immersion study, which we will use different technologies to help student to learn Chinese(including flash card, singing in Chinese,  photographic memory..) . in order to maintain the interest for student, we will also play games to help them memorize. 

Second session will be 10 minutes of writing. Chinese language is different with most of languages, there is no alphabet but uses logopraphic system, so learning how to write in Chinese letters is very important.

Third session will be culture study. we will be  learning Chinese poems, Chinese arts, máo bĭ (write in Chinese Calligraphy Ink Brush),  and Chinese history. We believe there is indivisible relationship between language and culture.

Since we only have class once a week for this program, we do hand out the review sheets and assignment for student to study.

Image by Cherry Lin
After School Program (Group Class): Service

If you would like to submit the registration form, you could either submit through chat box or email 。
如果您需要提交注册表,您可以通过聊天框 或 邮件提交。

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